We stand for transparent and fair fishing
- A photographic exhibition of low-impact fishers across Europe
September 30th to October 4th, all day
in front of the European Parliament
© OCEANA Claudia Pool
This exhibition introduces us to David, Muireann, Neily, and Primitivo — artisanal fishers and their representatives — who are dedicated to providing fresh, high-quality seafood and supporting the sustainability and heritage of their coastal communities.
For them, fishing is not about catching the most, but about doing it responsibly, with consideration for the health of the ocean, and for the livelihoods of those who depend on fishing. This event is being organised by Oceana and the Low Impact Fishers of Europe in the context of Ocean Week.
The opening event will be on Monday 30 September at 18:45, Solidarnosc esplanade, and will feature remarks from Vera Coelho, Deputy Vice-President of Oceana, Isabella Lövin, Member of the European Parliament, Alexandra Cousteau, Oceana senior advisor and the Director of the Association for Gentle Coastal Fishing Producer-organization (FSK-PO), David Lange.
Register for the Opening Event:
Organised by Oceana