The Blue Manifesto: Roadmap for a healthy ocean by 2030
- Launch event -

Tuesday 1st October, 12PM
European Parliament, PHS 5B1, Brussels

Join us for the trailblazing moment in EU policy in 2024 as we unveil the latest Blue Manifesto: Roadmap for a healthy Ocean by 2030 during EU Ocean Week, which has been endorsed by 100+ organisations.

This high-level event in the European Parliament, Brussels will bring together newly elected MEPs, key decision-makers, and ocean advocates to spotlight the critical next steps for policymakers to endorse in the next EU mandate.

As part of the "An Ocean of Change" initiative led by six Blue NGOs; Seas At Risk, ClientEarth, Oceana, Surfrider Foundation Europe, Birdlife Europe and Central Asia, and WWF, the Blue Manifesto launch will advocate for an ambitious Ocean Deal that places the ocean at the heart of EU decision-making in the new legislative period.

The launch of this roadmap will be a cornerstone in shaping a sustainable future for our seas.


11:45 - Doors Open

12:00 – Welcome note – What is the new Blue Manifesto?

12:15 – What is needed to make the Ocean healthy again?

13:00 - How do we do it? Moving towards an Ocean Deal.

13:20 – Let's get to work! Closing remarks.

13:30 – 14.00 - Networking Lunch

Register now before September 27th if you need accreditation to enter the Parliament

Brought to you by the 6 Blue NGOs

Organised by Seas At Risk


Other events happening on Tuesday 1st October